So Chigusa
So Chigusa
So Chigusa



My research area lies at the intersection of quantum science and theoretical particle physics. The rapid advancement of quantum science technologies is continuously introducing new solutions to problems. These include quantum metrology techniques for detecting faint signals and quantum computation for simulating dynamics by directly manipulating quantum states. In light of this, I believe it crucial to explore how these advancements can be used to investigate physics. With this in mind, I am researching: (i) direct detection of light dark matter using quantum metrology, and (ii) quantum algorithms to simulate parton shower dynamics.

One of my research areas focuses on developing methods to explore light dark matter using quantum metrology techniques. Conventional dark matter direct detection programs, which primarily focus on the $\mathrm{GeV}$-mass region, have yet to provide any evidence of dark matter. This has motivated the community to explore a broader mass range, including the sub-$\mathrm{GeV}$ scale, which remains largely unexplored, in part due to the challenges like low excitation energy and small event rates. Quantum metrology techniques offer promising ways for detecting such faint signals. By leveraging these advanced techniques, I aim to overcome current limitations in sensitivity and frequency coverage, paving the way for new approaches in light dark matter search.

Among light dark matter candidates, I primarily focus on a pseudo-scalar candidate often referred to as axion dark matter, which is strongly motivated from a high-energy theoretical perspective. The axion provides a compelling solution to the puzzle of conserved CP symmetry in the strong interaction sector. It can also naturally emerge from an ultraviolet completion of the theory including gravity, the string theory. From a metrological perspective, the axion is particularly intriguing because its interaction with ordinary fields mimics electromagnetic fields while exhibiting several distinctive features that allow it to be distinguished from conventional electromagnetic fields. These features include a spin-dependent coupling strength entirely uncorrelated with the gyromagnetic ratio and a signal coherence time directly correlated with its frequency. In this context, my research aims to develop quantum metrology protocols that fully exploit these distinctive characteristics of the axion dark matter signal to maximize its detection potential. In Fig. 1a, I provide a summary plot illustrating the frequency coverage of various approaches I have investigated. Below, I will detail these approaches with reference to this figure.

Fig. 1a: 
    Summary of the frequency coverage of various approaches discussed in the main text.
    The prospects for the pseudo-scalar (axion) dark matter are shown for the purpose of demonstration.
    Each result, represented by a solid or dashed line, should be compared with the current constraint, which is plotted as a dashed line of the same color corresponding to the same coupling.
  Fig. 1a: Summary of the frequency coverage of various approaches discussed in the main text. The prospects for the pseudo-scalar (axion) dark matter are shown for the purpose of demonstration. Each result, represented by a solid or dashed line, should be compared with the current constraint, which is plotted as a dashed line of the same color corresponding to the same coupling.

I have explored three distinct approaches utilizing different collective excitations of spins: magnon [1], axion [2], and nuclear magnon [3], each probing different dark matter couplings. The frequency coverage of these approaches is shown by solid lines in Fig. 1a. If the dark matter mass lies in the challenging sub-$\mathrm{THz}$ range, approaches using these excitations provide one of the few valuable detection opportunities. Many ongoing experiments, including QUAX and TOORAD experiments, are currently searching for spin excitations with similar concepts, which may ultimately lead to the discovery of dark matter.

In Refs. [4], [5], I proposed a light dark matter search using nitrogen-vacancy center magnetometry. This specialized quantum metrology technique aids in developing new approaches with broad frequency coverage and/or improved sensitivity, which are briefly summarized in dashed lines in Fig. 1a. My approach leverages the sensitivity of nitrogen-vacancy centers to various spin species, clearly shown by different colors of dashed lines, and offers a novel way to distinguish magnetic noise from dark matter signals. Recently, we launched an experiment based on these ideas at the International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles (QUP). This experimental collaboration has published a paper on a data analysis method for incoherent signals [6], motivated by dark matter, and is now moving towards cryogenic experimental operation.

Among the quantum techniques designed to surpass the standard quantum limit and approach the Heisenberg limit, I focus on squeezing and entanglement. I explored the possibility of enhancing the nuclear magnon signal excited in superfluid $\mathrm{^3He}$ through squeezing and identified conditions where this improves sensitivity [7]. These conditions must be carefully examined to assess the potential of squeezing for spin-based dark matter searches, including [1], [2], [3], where the signal coherence time is limited. Regarding entanglement, while certain entangled states, such as the Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state, are known as a way to achieve the Heisenberg limit, they are often vulnerable to Markovian noise, negating the advantage of entanglement. I investigated this issue in the context of dark matter searches [8], identifying situations where entangled states can enhance sensitivity even in the presence of noise, leaving further optimization as a future direction.

My future project plans involve the continued development of metrology techniques to expand their applicability to new physics. I intend to develop metrology techniques that integrate error correction and quantum correlation, extensively studied in particular in the context of quantum computation and clock synchronization, to enhance sensitivity to signals with multiple unknown properties. Additionally, building on the methodologies developed for light dark matter detection, I plan to apply similar concepts to other targets, such as high-frequency gravitational waves and the cosmic axion background. These efforts will position my research to contribute significantly to the broader field of quantum metrology and its applications in uncovering new physics.

Fig. 2a: 
    A schematic illustration of a multi-emission process that incorporates quantum interference effects beyond the classical parton shower treatment.
    The leading-order contribution to inclusive parton shower dynamics is fully captured by blue cones, which represent collinear emissions and can be treated independently.
    At the next-to-leading order, however, soft interference effects, depicted by orange lines in the figure, must be considered, potentially leading to global event-wise entanglement.
  Fig. 2a: A schematic illustration of a multi-emission process that incorporates quantum interference effects beyond the classical parton shower treatment. The leading-order contribution to inclusive parton shower dynamics is fully captured by blue cones, which represent collinear emissions and can be treated independently. At the next-to-leading order, however, soft interference effects, depicted by orange lines in the figure, must be considered, potentially leading to global event-wise entanglement.

Another direction of my research focuses on developing quantum algorithms to study quantum dynamics. Today, quantum computing resources with a substantial number of qubits are publicly accessible, and their availability is steadily increasing. Given this, now is the ideal time to explore quantum algorithms for physics research. Leveraging this opportunity, my research aims to push the boundaries of quantum simulations to better understand complex physical systems.

As an important example of systems with intriguing quantum properties, I work on parton showers. The original parton shower algorithm is a classical approach that has been widely used for multi-emission processes (see Fig. 2a for a schematic illustration) in collider and astroparticle physics. However, it fails to incorporate important quantum interference effects, which can significantly alter the particle multiplicity distribution, especially in the presence of a non-trivial flavor structure [9]. To address this issue, I developed a quantum parton shower algorithm using a veto procedure [10], which can incorporate the exponentially growing number of diagrams while utilizing polynomial quantum resources. This is the first quantum algorithm capable of reconstructing full kinematic information, making an important first step towards realistic quantum simulations of parton shower dynamics.

I plan to further develop quantum algorithms addressing both computational and physical aspects. The sampling method for the evolution variable, the virtuality, can be optimized to reduce the gate cost, although it distorts quantum states due to the artificial veto procedure. I am developing an algorithm to restore the correct quantum state with an improved sampling method. Additionally, I intend to develop algorithms that incorporate next-to-leading order effects, extending beyond the collinear emissions represented by blue cones in Fig. 2a. To achieve this, soft interference effects must be properly accounted for by storing the emission history in qubits. This approach fully leverages the advantages of quantum computing because of the possibility of global event-wise entanglement, illustrated by the orange lines in Fig. 2a that connect the blue cones. By developing these algorithms, I aim to create a comprehensive toolkit for quantum simulations of scattering processes at high-energy colliders, properly incorporating quantum interference effects.

The program for exploring new physics should evolve alongside rapid technological advancements of quantum science. By incorporating advanced quantum metrology techniques and developing quantum algorithms, I aim to develop innovative approaches for exploring physics with the ultimate goal of contributing to a deeper understanding of the universe's fundamental mysteries.

Entanglement-enhanced AC magnetometry in the presence of Markovian noises

Entanglement is a resource to improve the sensitivity of quantum sensors. In an ideal case, using an entangled state as a probe to detect target fields, we can beat the standard quantum limit by which all classical sensors are bounded. However, since entanglement is fragile against decoherence, it is unclear whether entanglement-enhanced metrology is useful in a noisy environment. Its benefit is indeed limited when estimating the amplitude of DC magnetic fields under the effect of parallel Markovian decoherence, where the noise operator is parallel to the target field. In this paper, on the contrary, we show an advantage to using an entanglement over the classical strategy under the effect of parallel Markovian decoherence when we try to detect AC magnetic fields. We consider a scenario to induce a Rabi oscillation of the qubits with the target AC magnetic fields. Although we can, in principle, estimate the amplitude of the AC magnetic fields from the Rabi oscillation, the signal becomes weak if the qubit frequency is significantly detuned from the frequency of the AC magnetic field. We show that, by using the GHZ states, we can significantly enhance the signal of the detuned Rabi oscillation even under the effect of parallel Markovian decoherence. Our method is based on the fact that the interaction time between the GHZ states and AC magnetic fields scales as \(1/L\) to mitigate the decoherence effect where \(L\) is the number of qubits, which contributes to improving the bandwidth of the detectable frequencies of the AC magnetic fields. Our results open up the way for new applications of entanglement-enhanced AC magnetometry.

Nuclear Spin Metrology with Nitrogen Vacancy Center in Diamond for Axion Dark Matter Detection

We present a method to directly detect the axion dark matter using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamonds. In particular, we use metrology leveraging the nuclear spin of nitrogen to detect axion-nucleus couplings. This is achieved through protocols designed for dark matter searches, which introduce a novel approach of quantum sensing techniques based on the nitrogen vacancy center. Although the coupling strength of the magnetic fields with nuclear spins is three orders of magnitude smaller than that with electron spins for conventional magnetometry, the axion interaction strength with nuclear spins is the same order of magnitude as that with electron spins. Furthermore, we can take advantage of the long coherence time by using the nuclear spins for the axion dark matter detection. We show that our method is sensitive to a broad frequency range \(\lesssim 100\,\mathrm{Hz}\) corresponding to the axion mass \(m_a \lesssim 4\times 10^{-13}\,\mathrm{eV}\). We present the detection limit of our method for both the axion-neutron and the axion-proton couplings and discuss its significance in comparison with other proposed ideas.

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Quantum parton shower with kinematics

Parton showers which can efficiently incorporate quantum interference effects have been shown to be run efficiently on quantum computers. However, so far these quantum parton showers did not include the full kinematical information required to reconstruct an event, which in classical parton showers requires the use of a veto algorithm. In this work, we show that adding one extra assumption about the discretization of the evolution variable allows to construct a quantum veto algorithm, which reproduces the full quantum interference in the event, and allows to include kinematical effects. We finally show that for certain initial states the quantum interference effects generated in this veto algorithm are classically tractable, such that an efficient classical algorithm can be devised.

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Effects of finite material size on axion-magnon conversion

Magnetic materials are particularly favorable targets for detecting axions interacting with electrons because the collective excitation of electron spins, the magnon, can be excited through the axion-magnon conversion process. It is often assumed that only the zero-momentum uniformly precessing magnetostatic (Kittel) mode of the magnon is excited. This is justified if the de Broglie wavelength of the axion is much longer than the size of the target magnetic material. However, if the de Broglie wavelength is shorter, finite-momentum magnon modes can also be excited. We systematically analyze the target material size dependence of the axion-magnon conversion rate. We discuss the importance of these effects in the detection of relativistic axions as well as in the detection of axion dark matter of relatively heavy mass with large material size.

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Aiming for tops of ALPs with a muon collider

Future muon colliders with center-of-mass energy of \(\mathcal{O}(1-10)\) TeV can provide a clean high-energy environment with advantages in searches for TeV-scale axion-like particles (ALPs), pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons associated with spontaneously broken global symmetries, which are widely predicted in physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). We exploit ALP couplings to SM fermions, and guided by unitarity constraints, build a search strategy focusing on the ALP decay to top quark pairs at muon colliders. It is found that a large parameter space of TeV-scale ALPs with TeV-scale decay constants can be probed by utilizing the ALP-top quark coupling.

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