First of all, edit the global setting in input/mg5_configuration.txt
such that the automatic browser opening is disabled:
automatic_html_opening = False
Next, install all the necessary dependencies as
install boost
install lhapdf6
install zlib
install hepmc
install pythia8
To install delphes
, we need to add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile
; without the following lines, madgraph just outputs error messages with detailed description of what to do and does not process installation.
export ROOTSYS=<root installation path>
export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin
After executing source ~/.bash_profile
, relaunch bin/mg5_aMC
install Delphes
For macOS > 10, a compile error detailed below arises. We need to fix it according to the description there. (2024/4/24)Fix is still needed!
How to use
If Madgraph requires other dependencies when executing the code, I often hit enter without any thoughts. Here are some examples of the workflow.
- LO Drell-Yan
p = p b b~
generate p p > e+ e-
output pp2ee
- NLO Drell-Yan
import model sm-no_b_mass
generate p p > e+ e- [QCD]
output pp2eeNLO
Delphes on Mac OS > 10
I encountered the following error when I tried to install Delphes on Mac (arm) OS 12.
>> Building
clang: error: no such file or directory: ''
make: *** [] Error 1
According to this Q&A, this error is caused by <Delphes installation>/doc/Makefile.arch
only compatible with Mac OS <= 10.
This error is realized with Delphes downloaded as
while there is no such error for the newest version obtained with
git clone
So I recommend to use the latter.
When you would like to work with MadGraph -> Delphes workflow, Madgraph tries to use Delphes downloaded in the former method and gives som errors.
You should first escape from ./bin/mg5_aMC
and replace the file Makefile.arch
in <MadGraph installation>/Delphes/doc/
to the one included in the newest version of Delphes and manually redo make
It makes you compile Delphes successfully and now the workflow can be used with no problem.
(2019/6/26) jet matching
Depending on the version of Madgraph, maybe, you should edit run_card.dat
when you would like to perform the jet matching.
1 = ickkw ! 0 no matching, 1 MLM
The help document further tells us that the option 2
corresponds to the CKKW matching.
These options forces Madgraph to calculate the hard process for a sufficiently large phase space that has a sizable overlap with the phase space covered by the parton shower calculation.
After the parton showering, we can obtain the correct cross section after the jet matching.
(2019/4/26) Use the interpreter for repeated calculation etc
For example, if you would like to launch the process several times with some given names, you should prepare a text file named, e.g., launch_several_times.txt
, with the content
launch pp2gogo2 -n 6TeV_0
launch pp2gogo2 -n 6TeV_1
launch pp2gogo2 -n 6TeV_2
Then you can execute it with
./bin/mg5_aMC launch_several_times.txt
to obtain the three results.
(2019/04/21) Change default values of the model parameters
For exmample, if you would like to consider the b-quark PDF in the SM, the b quark should be massless for the consistency of the calculation, so you should first
import model SM-no_b_mass
This command uses the content of **MG5**/model/sm/restrict_no_b_mass.dat
as param_card.dat
Similarly, for example, if you would like to use an anomally-mediated symmetry breaking with some given gravitino mass etc as a benchmark point used by default, you can copy your param_card.dat
to, e.g., **MG5**/model/MSSM_SLHA2/restrict_AMSB.dat
, and use it with
import model MSSM_SLHA2-AMSB
In the preparation of the param_card.dat
, it is also convenient to use the command such as
compute_widths n2 go --body_decay=2.0025
to compute the decay width of the given particles.
After executing this command, a file param_card.dat
is generated in the model directory that includes the computed decay widths.
(2018/11/20) User defined cuts
If you would like to define a new cut variable and condition used at the stage of the event generation, one way is to directly edit the fortran source file of Madgraph.
Each process has the file SubProcesses/cuts.f
; just edit it as
do i=1,nexternal ! loop over all external particles
if(istatus(i).eq.1 .and. ! final state particle
& (ipdg(i).eq.12 .or. ipdg(i).eq.14 .or. ipdg(i).eq.16)) then ! neutrino
do j=1,nexternal ! loop over all external particles
if (is_a_lp(j)) then ! l+
if (2d0 * sqrt(p(1,i)**2+p(2,i)**2) * sqrt(p(1,j)**2+p(2,j)**2)
& - 2d0*(p(1,i)*p(1,j)+p(2,i)*p(2,j))
& .lt. 480d0**2) then ! transverse mass cut at 480GeV
The above example puts a cut on the transverse mass between the lepton and neutrino in the final state. Note that a too strong cut can cause a problem related to the precision of the Monte Carlo integration. See here for further discussions.
(2018/08/24) aMCatNLOError : Some tests failed, run cannot continue
You can identify the test that ends up with the error by carefully reading the error messages.
In my case, the Soft / Collinear test was failed, that lead me to look inside SubProcesses/test_soft_col_limits.f
This Q&A told me that the existence of many different energy scales would enlarge the numerical instability and tend to cause this kind of problem.
I solved this problem by loosing the test condition by editing the fortran source as
parameter (max_fail=(LARGE ENOUGH VALUE))
(2018/08/19) Use systematics module
In order to use the systematics module for the estimation of various systematic errors, you need the python interface of LHAPDF.
I encountered a problem with "unkonwn library" with the default LHAPDF, so manually reinstalled it.
Correspondingly, I had to edit input/mg5_configuration.txt
to set the LHAPDF path as
lhapdf = /usr/local/bin/lhapdf-config
and reinstalled pythia just in case.
Before launching the process, you need to edit run_card.dat
lhapdf = pdlabel ! PDF set
True = reweight_scale ! Reweight to get scale variation using the
True = reweight_pdf ! Reweight to get PDF uncertainty. Should be a
True = store_rwgt_info ! Store info for reweighting in LHE file
systematics = systematics_program
['--mur=0.5,1,2', '--muf=0.5,1,2', '--pdf=errorset'] = systematics_arguments ! see:
This gives you the estimation of errors associated with the choice of renormalization scales and PDFs.